Friday 25 March 2011

Angels and Aliens

Its entirely possible they exist. But being a good skeptic, i don't believe anything without reasonable proof. Someone once said to me "Atheists don't believe in god because they don't have a reason to." And that must be true. I really really want to believe in aliens, aliens that are more intelligent than humans, that are in contact with us, and that the government is keeping from us because they don't trust that humans will react in a constructive manner beneficial to the economy. I would like to believe that aliens out there have a solution to our energy crisis and are watching us destroy our planet with a worried look on their face, hoping that we'll make the right choice and not use nuclear energy anymore and stop consuming the beautiful planets resources. But i've never seen a spaceship, and i've never been abducted, so i will simply remain hopeful.

But angels, well... I grew up thinking angels were a metaphor for something else, like the voice of Goodness that battles the voice of Self-serving Non Goodness. But goodness, on october 31st, 2010 i was contacted by supernatural conscious beings that i could only describe as angelic, and i described them quite sheepishly to the first few people i encountered. I stopped describing it, because i couldn't do it justice, and there was no point. It was revelation to me, and after that it would just become hearsay. I had to learn to treasure the experience for myself, let alone believe that it actually happened. Memory is a bitch, you know. And when they said 'have faith' I didn't think they meant 'have faith in your memory of your experience' because thats not as simple as it sounds!

I'm here, in a stable state of mind, perceiving with my 5ish senses, wondering if angels are around me and i just can't perceive them. What is the point of that? are they always trying to contact us, but we're too loaded up on high fructose corn syrup and trans fats and sugar and gluten to be able to perceive them? Perhaps our chakras are just too clogged up with environmental stress, or maybe the 4g network is getting in the way.

Maybe I wouldn't be able to handle constant contact. Maybe i can only handle intermittent contact for the purpose of inspiration and faith-material. Yeah, i bet i couldn't handle constant contact. Its like constant excitement and enthusiasm. Its exhausting.