Wednesday 13 December 2017

Learning to Code - it's a mindset

Coding is very different from learning a language. It involves way more problem-solving. I have needed to re-learn how I learn. From the start, learning to code is a long-term goal, but I chip away at it every day except the weekends (for now.)

I've been really stuck for the last two weeks, unable to figure out how to fix my bug. I'm working with HTML, CSS, and PHP through a bootstrapped theme. The code is working fine, but the form isn't coming through to my e-mail. Something I cannot see is wrong. Going about trying to fix this problem has proven difficult. I am a beginner, and I'm humble. I'm used to being able to do things easily, though, and so my grit mentality isn't quite developed YET. It's late in the game, but I'm getting there.

Learning to code, when not on a job, can't be done in a vacuum. There are a lot of programs out there, like the Flatiron school's free online boot camp, which has you reading the material and attempting code in an online text-editor and console. This approach is really removed. Although it matters what you do (and that you do and learn something), it matters more why you do it. Applying knowledge, getting functional websites up and running, that should be the focus here so that we can move forward in our individually created purpose... I will not maintain joy and spark if I don't keep applying these learned skills to something. In fact, I should have my SOMETHING guide what skills I want to learn.

That's how I'll stay motivated. Now it makes me want to get back to that work!

Tuesday 21 February 2017

The transcript


It's a crazy world we live in. I'm driving down DC and thinking about what's going on. There's that feeling of powerlessness within me, and that nothing I can do can affect change. It's a dangerously complacent way to exist. I was happy with our president Obama, meanwhile there were many people whose voices were not heard. And I haven't expressed my own voice either. Through inaction like that, I just let this happen. Me and the other millenials who thought it was all peachy and so friggin great in our country, because It is. It's going great for a lot of people. Bubbles exist everywhere, so you don't really have to pay attention. In fact, it's easier not to pay attention. However, It's always been subtly driving me crazy. Like, when you/i walk by a homeless person and you don't give them money because you/i don't want to acknowledge that the problem exists. You/i start thinking about how socialized medicine should have saved that man from his struggle, and go all into your/my head and think about the problems of society and ruminating, instead of actually doing something.

It's not fair to other people that I feel powerless, because so many people need people like me to step up and do something. Thankfully, millenials have an urge to do something meaningful because (many of us), we DO see all this shit happening, and we want to put our work where our hearts are. and ugh! It is so hard to do that. I found a miniscule way to do that by being a teacher. I just met someone who will go into journalism. And others who are philosophically and existentially struggling and suffering.

I am still hopeful. That hasn't gone away. There's lessons to be learned in what is happening. It's going to be okay. It might wake a sleepy nation into something greater.

I heard the man in the restaurant say that "It ain't gonna change his day to day" Of course, the 27 man says "We don't realize how much the President can change our day-to-day existence." THere are tangible concerns that occasionally pop up into our experience, such as marrying interracially, or ending an unwanted pregnancy, or travelling to countries you'd like to visit.

So I agree that my day to day will not change because I will keep having fun, frolicking, taking care of myself, relaxing, working, having personal problems that pail in comparison to the grand scheme of things, and going about my business. But I will have an added dimension to my life, that of fighting for what's important to me: The planet, the underdogs in society (immigrants, POC, natives, QLGBT, the poor and therefore powerless)

I don't believe we need to live in fear of anyone. Sometimes our lives in immediate danger, but it's not something we need to always be on edge about. It's like the Cold War is breaking out again. We are collectively feeling xenophobic and afraid of the outside world.

And i've been reaching out for a couple of years to literal neighbors. I've been crossing boundaries, yard lines, to go over to my neighbor, go into their house, and get to know people who are completely different than me, and find commonality. We have the same needs, same desires, same basic aspirations in life. We are all humans and we can't just say someone is "evil" and something is a "disaster" without seeing the other side. Collective self-entitlement and greed.

The grassroots movement shifts, get into comma unities, grow your own food... because whoever controls your food and water controls your life. The fact that people need to pay so much for rent is really sad. Affordable housing! People need to build their own houses on trailers and relax laws about where you can park your car. If noone is violently acting out, you should be able to park your trailer, car, or tiny house, or build a tree house and live in a tree. Give people more freedom.

Democracy is not working. I proclaim anarchy! I do not want to live in a fake democracy where we say we "voted" for our President and he won, because I DO NOT CONSENT to this person name.

Because my country does this, "COUNTRY" is not the most important thing to me anymore. Because I'm multi-racial and multi-cultural, i've never had my country anyway. I was alwyas so proud of being the first person in my family to be born in the United States. When Bush was president, I was okay with that. He was listening to his advisors, they were Republican, and it was understandable and acceptable in some form, even though it was comical and embarrassing.

We need to have figureheads of communities. We need local leaders. Our President sucks, so we need to have role models. I elect people like Bill Mollison, Masanobu Fukuoaka, leaders in communities, creating a plot of earth acceptable to everyone in that community through CONSENSUS decision making, talking it out until there is AGREEMENT!

What we have is not Democracy. Electoral College and Gerrymandering makes this not a "DEMOCRACY" in the way that we idealize. So let's make America a more perefect union.

I always thought politics wouldn't affect me and I simply would not watch the news. But its affecting everyone around me. It's scaring my friend, my children are shocked and confused that such a person could be elected as the leader of our country.

It's going to be okay, though. It's gonna be rough. but that's life.

We're going to keep having sex, we're going to keep drinking (collectively) and partying, we are going to keep working, keep frollicking, and doing the things we enjoy. We have work to do. I need to work on becoming more vigilant and do my tiny little part in assembling journalists to make a relevant podcast (Thanks "Pod Save America")

Or assemble a group of people to make a picket sign. What would you like to tell the world if news cameras were on you? With now, Donald Trump being president, what do you want the world to know about the United States? Not just the U.S, but about humans. We are a community. We would not have evolved this far if we had not learned how to cooperate.

Or to teach children how to use all their words, how to share, how to cooperate, talk about how they feel. Maybe that's my small part in it. THat's a very long term thing, so I need to do short-term things as well, like gardening and picket signs. And then long-term goals being to raise adults who can talk about their feelings, debate ideas, and create solutions.

It's going to be okay! We're going to get through this. So that's life!

End Transcript.
And after writing this transcript, I am going to learn some principles for community organizing,..
Thanks for reading (?)