Thursday 1 December 2011

"Its about time"

Have you ever read something 'innovative' and thought, "well, its about time. I can't believe this hasn't done yet!" Well, I've had a lot of those moments in the last few years, but I just had a revelation while reading this article on conservation. In the article there is mention of an attitude in conservation in africa that has existed where "officials evict locals to create parks, which deprives them of their livelihood, as herding livestock, farming and hunting require land on which to do so. This sends the message that the government and international conservation community value wildlife more than people, naturally breeding resentment towards conservation." That old thought "its about time" suggested itself into my mind, but instead, a revelation about the thought itself occurred to me...

Actions move slower through time than our thoughts do. When undesirable actions become a trend in humanity, and a more intelligent, co-operative thoughtform reacts against it, it may take years for it to manifest as a new way of doing something.

Patience and trust is key. Thinking about my own personal life and how difficult it seems to accomplish outwardly tasks, its not such a stretch to see how slow-moving the rest of humanity could be. The "its about time" scoffing is a reflection of my contempt for my own slow pace in achieving the dreams that are important to me.

In other spiritual news, Eka Joti of the league of visionary awesomeness reminded me of the chakra charging exercises that will accelerate manifestation. He, himself, has manifested a website, videos, protocols, and clients, in the two years that i've known him. I'm inspired and impressed.

Also, community acupuncture has caught on in my own local hood.

Speaking of inspiration and impression, conversations are taking place about awakening and spiritual practices and how our inner shift is reflecting the external shift. Terry Patten is hosting calls with visionaries, scientists, psychologists, yogis, and philosophers.

And flowers are sprouting up in cracks in the pavement and medicine grows freely on green lawns across the country. Hooray! The future is coming!